Thursday, July 15, 2010

Parenting Pride

I am sitting here at my desk, scanning the posts on Baby Center and I realize how many people are so concerned about if the baby's name sounds right, whether they are having a boy or a girl (and being upset if they don't get the gender they want) and so many other interesting things. And then I had a thought: "How prideful one can be about parenting!"

When a couple gets pregnant, in their eyes, the child automatically becomes theirs. They feel as though they can do what they want to and for the child, they can say what they want to the child, they can treat the child how they want, etc. But what they all fail to realize is this child is not theirs. The child belongs to God. It is not a play toy or an image booster or anything of the sort. The child was born for God and given to us to help teach the child the ways of the His Kingdom and prepare them for the day that they hear God's voice calling. Some people wonder why it takes 9 (or so) months to have a baby. Maybe we are supposed to spend that time talking to God about the child. Finding out what His plans are for him/her, what He wants their name to be and how the child should be raised.

In biblical days, the family used to wait a period of time after the birth before they named the child. They would watch the child's mannerisms and named them appropriately. When Mary and Elisabeth were pregnant they knew the name of the child BEFORE the child was born. But how did they get that name? From God. He has a plan for all of us; as He is our creator and he knew us from the time we were in our mother's womb. Very often, when it's time for the plan to be revealed, we have to spend a considerable amount of time undoing what we learned when we were children instead of building upon it.

I implore every parent to really think about the purpose behind what they do for and say to their children. Ask yourself: What are you motives? Why do you do what you do and say what you say? Are you teaching your child the ways of God or are you teaching them what YOU think is right? For God to add children to your life is a great responsibility that can be fun and joyful when you follow His plan instead of parenting pridefully.