Thursday, October 1, 2009

Construction Zone: Imagination at Work

Where else, but in the eyes of a child, can magnetic alphabet letters become the main ingredients of a chocolate cake? In the world of make believe, anything can become anything! Just this morning I enjoyed the finest delicacies of my imaginative girls: hot dogs and beans (also known as cooking spoons) and chocolate cake (also known as magnetic letters).

"Mommy, whatcha want?" "Chocolate cake, please!" "Okay!" I sat down and ate happily. Then I helped by tapping into my God-given imagination: I found a few balls in their toy box that served as eggs, maracas that served as mixers and pretend coins that became butter before our very eyes.

God gave us our imaginations to do just that: Imagine that something that is not, as though it was. This imagination is what helps us to propel our faith and cause that which cannot be seen to manifest itself into our present day and future. God enjoys it when we meditate on His word and imagine it coming to pass in our lives. If we can see ourselves healed, delivered, free, rich, etc, then we are. Using our imagination allows God to show us things we would not have ever seen had we not took the time.

I have learned that the television can squash our imaginations. I am not saying that television is bad but sometimes it can cause us to turn off our minds and accept whatever we see. When I turn off the TV and pull out the toys, I have noticed that my girls' imagination starts to flow. And, believe it or not, God can show them things that they have never seen before!

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