Thursday, September 17, 2009

Who's Building Your House?

Unless the Lord builds the house, it's builders labor in vain. (Psalm 127:1)

As I sit here this morning, during my normal prayer and study time, God has asked me a question: "Who's building your house?" That's a good question.

A house can be many things. Literally it's the place in which you live. But I think there is more behind it than just my literal house. If I know my God, He is anything but one dimensional.

So what other houses are there? Well, I discovered that a house could be anything you build in which you find comfort or in which you dwell. Not physically but emotionally or figuratively. Your house is your life; what you do and why you do it.

I have more than one house. They say confession is good for the soul so, here I go: What I eat and what my schedule looks like are my houses. As long as I have something good to eat (good, not healthy!) and I know what I will be doing for the next 8 hrs, my "house" is beautiful! But we all know that is not how we are to live.

Don't get me wrong, I believe God wants us to have a beautiful house. But, He wants to be the one to build it! A beautiful house is only truly beautiful when it's built on God's instruction and guidance. How do you think Solomon built that temple? Without God's instruction, I am sure it would not have been nearly as beautiful.

What does it look like for God to build your house? You must prepare by asking Him first for direction and instruction. He will tell you the materials and tools you need. He will give you the specifications for the house. And if you will need another hand or two to get it done, He will provide that as well. We just have to trust Him.

So, as I build my menu for the family meals every week, I first ask Him to guide me in making it nutritious and delicious! As I work out my schedule for the week, the day or even the next hour, I have learned to acknowledge God first for direction and instruction. "What do you want me to teach the children today, Lord?", I ask. This is what allows my house to be built by Him and not me.

As the maestro of your home, you are charged to guide the instruments (the entities of your home and family life) to perform in harmony. But how can you do this if you don't have the score that was written by God? I can guarantee that if we are presumptuous enough to write our own score, we will NOT be able to keep the instruments playing in harmony.

Now, my question to you is this: Who is building your house?

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