Monday, September 7, 2009

Wish I Could Be Part of Your World

"Look, Mommy, look!", Summerlyn says as she jumps in the air, tucks her legs under, and lands on her bottom, giggling.

"Look, Mommy, look!", Summerlyn says as she shakes her hips and cocks her head as if she is showing me her rendition of the latest dance craze.

"Look at me, Mommy!", Summerlyn says as she sits back and kicks her legs in the air while simultaneously punching with her left arm. I turn my head and watch her. When she has completed her move, she smiles. My heart grows with love a little more.

What our children want most is us, their parents, to be a part of their world. Ariel, the Little Mermaid, longed to be a part of the human world and she got her wish...but it cost her her life - Singing!

For us to be a part of the world of our children, it will cost us our life, too. But God calls us to lay down our life for a friend. (John 15:13) To be a successful Maestro, we have to have intimate knowledge of our instruments. One of which is our children. We cannot expect to be any good at bringing harmony to our home if we don't know what is in the hearts and minds of our family members and in this case, our children.

When you take a minute to enter into your child's world, it speaks volumes of love an respect to them. You, essentially, are saying "I love you!" "I care about you!" "I want to know you!" which is affirming and empowering to your child. And most importantly, it builds relationship between you and them. Besides, isn't that why we have chosen to become a Mommy Maestro?

I know there is so much to do to manage your home but the next time your child says "Look, Mommy, look!", or "Come'ere, Mommy!", hang up the wash cloth, put down the broom, stop writing the overdue grocery list and give your undivided attention to your child. I promise you will be rewarded with a loving smile!

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